Successful speculators must have reserve cash at any time, just like an excellent general with reserve troops at his side. For the right time, the general will use thestrong belief to command the army and let it attack for the final decisive victory, because the general patiently waits for all the right factors to come and all the situationsfavorable forhimself. When competing in the market, sometimes you should keep your money still,waitingon the side with cash and seeking for the opportunity toplay. There isoftena good opportunity cominglater,whenyou can move the money kept aside into the right position to earn large amount of money.Patience, patience and patience isthe key to succeed. Smart speculators always have to be patient and havereservecash.
Pick the dynamic stocks and keep the flow of the funds in order to make profits
The worst kind of stocks is that I called"erratic". These stocks do not follow the expectations of the operators, leaving their capital tied in the wilderness, like ghosts. Whenever I have to place everything on hope, I always feel myself exposed indanger. When I bear the loss, I know my situation and what to do to recover the loss and make profitsagain. If I still have deficit positionsor unpromisingpositionsin my hand, every subsequent transaction will be disturbed. I find that I can only trade dynamic stocks, which are ahead of others and have inherent momentum. I firmly believe that funds should be kept in circulation. Keep in mind that when a businessman's funds are "frozen" and can't work, he must make use of the unfrozen funds to create all profits, which will be unfair to him, because he has to putdouble efforts with the unfrozen funds to make up for the productivity of the dead money.